Please complete the membership application form below with the required information. Once submitted, a member of the CORE Social Wellness Club team will be in touch within 48hrs
Title* Please Select Mr Mrs Ms Dr Eng HRH
First Name:*
Middle Name:*
Last Name:*
National ID / Iqama number*
Date of Birth
Gender* Please Select Male Female
Status* Please Select Single Married
Phone Number*
Social Media Account: (Instagram, LinkedIn)*
Occupation / Company*
How did you hear about us*
Do you know any member of the club? If yes please indicate by first and last name
Are you a member of any other social, fitness club, or beach resort in Saudi Arabia or Internationaly? if yes, please indicate: *
Membership type* Please Select Individual Family
Preferred method of communication* Please Select Email WhatsApp SMS Phone Call
Interested to join* Please Select Immediately, I have goals to achieve 1-2 Weeks 1 Month Not sure only shopping around
Interested in* Please Select Exercising on my own, attending fitness classes, and access to CORE wellness spa (Silver membership) Working with a personal trainer, attending fitness classes, and access to CORE wellness spa (Gold, or Platinum Membership)
My current fitness activity* Please Select 0, Getting started 3 days a week 5 days a week 6 days a week, I'm on a mission
Will mostly be using the facility between* Please Select 7AM - 12PM 1PM - 5PM 6PM - 9PM
CORE Social Wellness Club Application Form
Please complete the membership application form below with the required information. Once submitted, a member of the CORE Social Wellness Club team will be in touch within 48hrs